Types of Techs
There are essentially three types or techs, or three way in which to operate as a Tech Next Door. Which one suits you the best?
Fully-Boarded Tech
A Fully-Boarded Tech is one who is completely committed to growing their business under the Tech Next Door brand. They are dedicated to and loyal to that brand and their efforts contribute to the growth of the brand. If you had existing clients when you became fully-boarded, you brought them in. If you acquire new customers, you bring them in. Essentially the fully-boarded tech is wanting to grow their business under the Tech Next Door brand.
The requirements are:
- You must not represent any other IT Support companies without authorization (Existing relationships may be allowed)
- We recommend that you have an incorporated company.
The benefits are:
- Automatic increase of 5% commission to your base rate
- You are allowed to 'own' clients and receive maximum commission and first refusal of work on them
- Preferred Tech status (first refusal of work on company owned clients)
- Priority jobs
- Equity sharing opportunities
Being fully-boarded is an attitude and not a question of how much you can or want to work. A fully-boarded tech can work part time. They can even work at a regular job and work at Tech Next Door on their off-time. Examples of who a part-time fully-boarded tech might be:
A fully-boarded tech is loyal to the Tech Next Door brand and is working towards growing that brand regardless of how much he works.
A Freelancer is a tech who works for himself as an IT Consultant/Support Tech but is not willing or ready to commit fully to Tech Next Door. They have other clients. We are simply another client from whom they take work from.
This tech is welcome to accept work from whomever they like.
To avoid any possible conflict, there are strict guidelines as to how a freelancers communicate with our clients. We trust that all techs see the value of what Tech Next Door is about and thus do not try to circumvent the policies for their own betterment. We also have checks and measures in place to ensure policies are followed to the fairness of everyone.
A Moonlighter is one who works at a regular job and is interested in doing some work on the side (evenings, weekends, days off). In most cases they are happy with their jobs and do not want to be an IT Consultant. They just want to make a few bucks on the side. They have similar rules and policies as the Freelancer.